Friday, April 16, 2021

Who Said It? Next Part

Hey, thanks for stopping by. Welcome to my blog. Once again, it's time again to play Who Said It!

Please tell me who made this statement about immigration caps:

"I'm capping the refugee immigration to the U.S. to 15,000 people per year?" 

Okay, this is a trick question. As of today (April 16, 2021) BOTH Trump and Biden have made this statement.

Please refer to this CNN link to learn more how Biden walked back his 62,500 refugees per year election promise.

Are you at all convinced yet that political parties don't matter? That either party will lie about anything that seems to give them an edge over the other party? Pay attention! They are two sides of the same coin.

I'm sure that I will (sadly) be able to play this game with you again at a later date. Meanwhile, enjoy Biden's press conferences. He sometimes tells the truth, although he often gets caught out when he doesn't remember those essential stats.

PS: This month Biden also upheld (in a way) Trump's US troop withdrawal agreement from Afghanistan, something Trump negotiated with the Taliban some time ago.

Also, I'll throw in a juicy rumor that I'm starting right here: Biden is set to take the position of Leader of Cuba's Communist Party, now that Raoul Castro has stepped down!

Techically, so this would make politics a three-sided coin...

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