Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Youniverse!

I caught the end of this commercial the other day (maybe on Super Bowl Sunday) and I was shocked to see the almost(?) full completion of our age's egoism, represented in a single term: the Youniverse. 

My shock was soon replaced by my usual cynicism and everything returned to normal. Of course we are going to celebrate each of our own uniqueness(es) as a central point in the universe! After all, why not? This is what history has led to all along, we must be the focus of the universe, otherwise, each of us would only be a small part of it (possibly having a supporting role in God's magnificent plans), and we can't have that, can we? Not when the world has taught us that there is no one more important than me, nothing more worthwhile pursuing, than my own desires, goals, ego!

Two further points I'd like to end with: This is apparently a Dell commercial. I dislike this commercial and the term so much that I truly regret having recently bought a Dell, although my cheap machine is by no means able to bring me to the Youniverse. The other point, so ironic, is that the music accompanying the commercial, the "Youniverse Anthem", is by Why Mona. Maybe Dell didn't know that there was an actual band called "Youniverse"? Or, maybe they did... 

If you haven't been bombarded with enough corporate-sponsored commercialism lately, here is Dell's commercial:

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